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Loader scales ARDU

Loader scales ARDU

Loader scales ARDU
1 300,00 USD
за комплект
мінімум: 1
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Передзвоніть мені
ARDU is an automatic weighing system designed to measure load of the loader bucket. The scales can operates in 3 modes: - Static weighing. The measured weight is displayed on the connected weighing indicator in 5-6 seconds after the arm stopped at the weighing point. Readings start and finish in point of weighing. - Dynamic weighing basic. If the loader has a tachometer, then the calibration and weighing are performed at the same rpm engine rotation speed. Reading starts in point of weighing for 1-2 seconds. - Dynamic weighing with lift speed compensation. For this mode, an additional sensor is installed, which reads the engine rotation speed. The arm can be lifted at different speeds. Reading starts in point of weighing for 1-2 seconds. SPECIFICATION Capacity: 0 – 999999, the same as loader capacity Pressure limit: 35 MPа Measuring step: 1/10 kg. Accuracy: from +/- 0,25% to +/-2%* Sensors working temperature: -30 ..+70 °C Indicator working temperature: -10.. +50°C Power supply: 6,5 – 28 DCV Pressure sensor: IP 68 Sensor display: color 65k, TFT, 3.5”, 480x320 * The weighing accuracy depends on the technical condition of the loader and the correct weighing by the driver

ARDU is an automatic weighing system designed to measure load of the loader bucket.

The scales can operates in 3 modes:

- Static weighing. The measured weight is displayed on the connected weighing indicator in 5-6 seconds after the arm stopped at the weighing point. Readings start and finish in point of weighing.

- Dynamic weighing basic. If the loader has a tachometer, then the calibration and weighing are performed at the same rpm engine rotation speed. Reading starts in point of weighing for 1-2 seconds.

- Dynamic weighing with lift speed compensation. For this mode, an additional sensor is installed, which reads the engine rotation speed. The arm can be lifted at different speeds. Reading starts in point of weighing for 1-2 seconds.


Capacity: 0 – 999999, the same as loader capacity

Pressure limit: 35 MPа

Measuring step: 1/10 kg.

Accuracy: from +/- 0,25% to +/-2%*

Sensors working temperature: -30 ..+70 °C

Indicator working temperature: -10.. +50°C

Power supply: 6,5 – 28 DCV

Pressure sensor: IP 68

Sensor display: color 65k, TFT, 3.5”, 480x320

* The weighing accuracy depends on the technical condition of the loader and the correct weighing by the driver

ARDU is an automatic weighing system designed to measure load of the loader bucket.

The scales can operates in 3 modes:

- Static weighing. The measured weight is displayed on the connected weighing indicator in 5-6 seconds after the arm stopped at the weighing point. Readings start and finish in point of weighing.

- Dynamic weighing basic. If the loader has a tachometer, then the calibration and weighing are performed at the same rpm engine rotation speed. Reading starts in point of weighing for 1-2 seconds.

- Dynamic weighing with lift speed compensation. For this mode, an additional sensor is installed, which reads the engine rotation speed. The arm can be lifted at different speeds. Reading starts in point of weighing for 1-2 seconds.


Capacity: 0 – 999999, the same as loader capacity

Pressure limit: 35 MPа

Measuring step: 1/10 kg.

Accuracy: from +/- 0,25% to +/-2%*

Sensors working temperature: -30 ..+70 °C

Indicator working temperature: -10.. +50°C

Power supply: 6,5 – 28 DCV

Pressure sensor: IP 68

Sensor display: color 65k, TFT, 3.5”, 480x320

* The weighing accuracy depends on the technical condition of the loader and the correct weighing by the driver

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